Club Chairman
Jarrod Sykes
Responsible for:
Overall running of the football club, and the football section within the wider Timperley Sports Club
Ensuring the football committee is fit for purpose and effective
Representative on Timperley Sports Club Executive Committee attending meetings and providing updates
Contact for Cheshire FA and the FA
Club Secretary
Position Vacant
Responsible for:
Attending monthly league meetings on behalf of the club
Player registration paperwork and league liaison
Contact point for league/other clubs
Dealing with queries from coaches
Annual completion of club information required by the league and FA

Player and Parent Liaison
Jonny Cowan
Responsible for:
Contact point for parent issues and queries
Escalation point for any parent, year group, or coach issues

Club Admin
Louise Thomson
Responsible for:
Oversees annual paperwork and registration processes, providing guidance to year group coaches
Manages master player registration spreadsheet with parent contact details
Manages master coaches contact spreadsheet
Manages coaches qualifications, DBS, safeguarding expiry dates
Sends out committee comms to parent groups
Contact point for parent enquiries around subs and processes

Catherine Stephenson
Responsible for
Management and administration of club finances
Ensuring a system in place to track income and expenditure on a timely basis
Managing club cash flow to ensure funds at season start for pitch hire, affiliation fees etc.
Overseeing bank account - managing online banking, acting as cheque signatory, banking monies received promptly, creating and maintaining a cash book, ensuring all payments made on time and recorded, ensuring all member subscriptions paid on time
Preparing a club annual budget
Creating annual income and expenditure statements and balance sheets for review by external accountants and the FA
Supporting all fundraising and sponsorship opportunities
Welfare Officer
Carly Cash
Responsible for
Maintains club processes and policies on safeguarding making sure they are up to date and fit for purpose
Attends Cheshire FA Safeguarding and welfare meetings
Administers coach and volunteer DBS check processes
Social Media
Mike Ripley
Responsible for:
Maintenance of football club website
Support on social media channels used (Twitter and Facebook)
Social Secretary
Position Vacant